INFINI Premium Meso DNA Superbooster


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Therapeutic complex based on hyaluronic acid and sections of low-molecular DNA and RNA

1 x 10ml


INFINI Premium Meso DNA Superbooster is a therapeutic complex based on hyaluronic acid and sections of low-molecular DNA and RNA, with an outstanding rejuvenation effect. With nucleotides in the form of nucleic acids, the product prepares tissues for immediate renewal and redermalisation. DNA Superbooster forces the physiological reconstruction of collagen and elastin, with a positive effect on the density and cohesiveness of the skin, and protects the DNA of cells from the destructive effects of oxidative stress. The product’s effect is also due to the unique ability of nucleotides to bind water, as well as the presence of hyaluronic acid further optimising the effect of tissue hydration. The high concentration of stimulating substances that increase skin density and fill skin defects has been enriched with Glutathion, which enhances the effects of the therapy.

Check out the whole INFINI range here.

Hyaluronic acid
Hydrloised RNA
Hydrolised DNA

INFINI Premium Meso DNA Superbooster is designed to revitalise the skin and eliminate the consequences of skin ageing such as flabbiness, dehydration, wrinkles, uneven skin tone.

Areas of Application:
Other parts of the body in need of deep revitalisation

Directions For Use:
Use as a single treatment cocktail or in combination with INFINI Premium Aquabooster. Perform 4 treatments, at intervals of 10-14 days.


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